ADI Systems Inc.
United States
Company Information
5150 Race Court
United States
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Company Description
Effective Wastewater Treatment Technologies

ADI Systems offers a wide range of technologies specifically designed to meet the complex challenges of industrial wastewater treatment and organic waste solids management. Our primary focus is anaerobic digestion, aerobic treatment, and biogas treatment and utilization for green energy recovery. We also offer water reuse technologies. We continue to expand our technology offerings and global reach, further positioning ourselves as a world leader in wastewater treatment.

Solutions Trusted Around the World

Over 260 customers in more than 35 countries are benefiting from ADI Systems’ proven anaerobic and aerobic wastewater treatment technologies. Our offices in Canada, United States, Brazil, and New Zealand help us better understand and service the needs of our international customers.

Decades of Experience and Innovation

ADI Systems’ core group of engineers has been working together for 25+ years and collectively has 200+ years of experience. Our ongoing commitment to in-house research and pilot studies supports product development—keeping our customers satisfied and keeping us ahead of the competition.

Custom Wastewater Treatment Technologies

We understand that each facility’s process and treatment requirements are different. Our vast industry knowledge and experience allows us to tailor the best treatment solution based on each customer’s unique needs.